dr. ir. Sofie Haesaert

Formal Control Synthesis via Simulation Relations and Behavioural Theory for Discrete-time Descriptor Systems

Formal Control Synthesis via Simulation Relations and Behavioural Theory for Discrete-time Descriptor Systems , Sofie Haesaert, Fei Chen, Siep Weiland and Alessandro Abate.

In this paper, we introduce a new control synthesis method for descriptor systems that is based on formal abstractions and enables control design over related reduced-order models. We leverage notions of exact and approximate similarity relations, which hold for the algebraic couplings that are inherent to descriptor systems.

In this paper we were able to connect the control concepts in the behavioural framework of J.C. Willemse with the notion of simulation relations and control refinements.

This paper presents one more step into the full automated design of complex cyber-physical systems.