dr. ir. Sofie Haesaert


I am an assistant professor at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Control Systems group of Electrical Engineering. My research interests are in the verifiable design of cyber-physical systems using data-driven and model-based techniques.

I started my studies at the University of Technology Delft and obtained a Bachelor in Mechanical engineering (2007-2010). As an integral part of my Bachelor education and as a part of her extracurricular Honours programme, I organized and joined a project supported by the NURC (NATO Undersea Research Center). From 2010-2012 I did my Masters in Systems and Control at the University of Technology Delft. As a master student I spent a summer doing research at the research group of Professor Frank Lewis at the University of Texas Arlington where I focused on research in reinforcement learning on discrete time graphical games. For my Master thesis I worked on the verification and control of Markov processes with a learning approach and certified performance. I did my Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof.dr.ir. Paul van den Hof (TU/e) and dr.ir. Alessandro Abate (Oxford University) on the topic of data-driven and model-based verification and control of physical systems. In 2017-2018 I did a postdoc under the supervision of Professor Richard Murray at Caltech.